This tutorial leads you through the creation of a simple app that uses the Devmel SDK to get and display the room temperature in Kelvins and Celcius.
import com.devmel.content.SimpleIPLocator; public class AirSendExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Enter your unique locator SimpleIPLocator cfg = new SimpleIPLocator("sp://1234567890123456@[fe80::dcf6:e5ff:fe:1]?gw=y"); } }
import com.devmel.content.SimpleIPLocator; import com.devmel.devices.AirSend; public class AirSendExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Enter your unique locator SimpleIPLocator cfg = new SimpleIPLocator("sp://1234567890123456@[fe80::dcf6:e5ff:fe:1]?gw=y"); //Create an AirSend Object AirSend airsend = new AirSend(cfg); try { //Open the communication if({ //Read the temperature in Kelvins double tmp = airsend.readTemperature(); //Display the result if (tmp >= 0) { double tmpCelcius = Math.round((tmp - 273.15) * 10.0) / 10.0; System.out.println("Temperature : "+String.format("%.1f\u00B0K",tmp)); System.out.println("Temperature : "+String.format("%.1f\u00B0C",tmpCelcius)); } else if (tmp < 0) { System.out.println("Error"); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ //Close the communication airsend.close(); } } }
Finally, launch the program and see you room temperature in real time.
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These license terms are between You (hereinafter: Licensee) and Devmel (hereinafter: Licensor) regarding Your use of the Devmel SDK (Software Development Kit) and any associated files made available by Devmel (hereinafter: The Software) created and owned by Licensor, as detailed herein.
Licensor hereby grants Licensee a Personal, Non-assignable& non-transferable, Perpetual, Commercial, Royalty free, Without the rightsto create derivative works, Non-exclusive license, all with accordance withthe terms set forth and other legal restrictions set forth in 3rd partysoftware used while running Software.
2.1 Limited: Licensee may use Software for the purpose of:
2.1.1 Running Software on Licensee’s devices;
2.1.2 Allowing 3rd Parties to run Software on devices;
2.1.3 Publishing Software’s output to Licensee and 3rd Parties;
2.1.4 Distribute verbatim copies of Software’s output (including compiled binaries);
2.2 This license is granted perpetually, as long as you do not materially breach it.
2.3 Binary Restricted: Licensee may sublicense Software as a part of a larger work containing more than Software, distributed solely in Object or Binary form under a personal, non-sublicensable, limited license. Such redistribution shall be limited to unlimited codebases.
2.4 Non Assignable & Non-Transferable: Licensee may not assign or transfer his rights and duties under this license.
2.5 Commercial, Royalty Free: Licensee may use Library for any purpose, including paid-services, without any royalties.
Licensor may provide Licensee, from time to time,with Upgrades, Updates or Fixes, as detailed herein and according to his solediscretion. Licensee hereby warrants to keep The Software up-to-date andinstall all relevant updates and fixes. Licensor shall provide any update orFix free of charge; however, nothing in this Agreement shall require Licensorto provide Updates or Fixes.
Software is provided under an AS-IS basis and without any support,updates or maintenance. Nothing in this Agreement shall require Licensor toprovide Licensee with support or fixes to any bug, failure, mis-performanceor other defect in The Software.
Licensee hereby agrees not to initiate class-actionlawsuits against Licensor in relation to this license and to compensate Licensorfor any legal fees, cost or attorney fees should any claim brought by Licenseeagainst Licensor be denied, in part or in full.